Tuesday, November 22, 2005

magic and maintenance (or) butterflies again (to bravo)...

anything worth having is worth working for. love's labor - hard work. falling in love takes little to no effort (a curb and gravity at most); staying there can be a herculean task at times, but not impossible. and there is nothing meneal about this manual labor. in fact, it's quite remarkable - magical even. maybe that's hard to believe because we (people) are capable of love and sometimes we don't want to give ourselves that much credit. but it's magic - IT IS MAGIC (you are magic). think about it. something that can make us get over pride and humble/check/fix/kick/acknowledge/love ourselves? what else can it be? i'm not even talking about the romantic side of it; i'm talking about knees in the dirt, short of breathe, callouses from holding on so tight kind of love. i'm talking about building bridges to avoid that galaxy of distance when you pass each other in the hallway, that bridge that lets you snuggle up next to someone who's half way across the world (sound familiar?). it's an energy that can only be achieved/ maintained/ defined as a provision from the Creator. such an energy's essence is expansive, able to grow so large that it can take one in entirely...i have no idea where i'm going with this, which is to be expected since i had no endpoint in mind when i started. guess what i'm trying to say is --
speak to me of love...
love is not so much magic
as it is maintenance
the determination of two
to practice continual bliss--
starting today is too late
for love began yesterday
in a place far away
where the stars play
and blow bubbles in their milk-
y way...

if you can imagine it, i can imagine too. amen.


Anonymous said...

..nice, specially the last bit.


Phoenix said...

lovely my love. yes. this reminds me of some old skool teresa leggard sh*t droppin' beautifulness on the open-mic like the spoken-word poet that you be. oh yummy. thanks for wonderful words.



wild cowgirl said...

i am squeezing u so hard right now (we're hugging)

Anonymous said...

well, hello, beauty! darn you teresa and your magic words and the way they make my head spin and cause something to rise inside of me. (cha)

teresa said...

no internet over my thanksgiving off-from-work time, otherwise i would have said thank you a along time ago. love ya'll

Gradly said...