Saturday, July 15, 2006

4 weddings and a migraine!...caution, random tangets ahead...

everything is an opportunity for growth. i've learned that getting married is no exception. i'm stretching myself as an event planner, organizer, PR person, family therapist, interior decorator, confection designer, woman, and on and on... effective communication is so key to all of these things. be tactful, but be direct. say what you mean and mean what you say, and being okay with the fact that everyone CAN NOT AND WILL NOT be happy with everything is a jewel of wisdom that no one planning a big event (or breathing for that matter) can be without. i am so thankful for the circles that jay and i move in, such beautiful, talented, warm-spirited people who are willing and able to help us - all we had to do was ask. watching things come into place is so amazing; this is one instance where i cannot give credit to one extreme or the other. it's not my solo effort and expertise getting everything done, but it's not because i throw my hands up and give it all to the universe to handle. we are working together through this thing (a very fulfilling partnership). i'm having trouble being at the focus of this because i'm so comfortable behind the scenes (even when i was on the stage, i was flanked by performers on either side so i was only in focus for a few minutes), but here again is a opportunity to grow...

life is moving so quickly! only one year since graduation from spelman, and i've known of 4 weddings, attended 2, have 2 friends traveling the world, have 2 sisters who've graduated this spring, a spelman sister who's bring a wonderful warrior woman life into this world, etc etc and so forth. trying to document even most of it would ensure that i have to miss a great deal. so it's a touch and go - a journal entry here, a photo there. i'm trying to coax myself into taking more pictures because moments deserve to be captured. so unhappy with what i believe to be a non-photogenic facade, i am quick to jump behind the view finder and not in front of it. but that is selfish; i always want pictures of the people i love and care about, but when they want my picture i weasel out of it saying stuff like, "well, let me take your picture. you'll remeber me because i took it" or "i'll write you something instead." bogus. this won't be an instantaneous transformation, but (as everything else) a work in progress...

i guess a should change the title of this post. i intend to go on a well articulated (and well deserved) rant about family and support and decisions and baggage, but in the grand scheme of things - the negative does not outweigh the positive. (that doesn't mean i don't get headaches though, i'm just saying). in the midst of all these life changes, i am so glad to have a family of artists who won't let me abandon my craft; they'll let me be slow about it - even neglectful sometimes, but never abandon. i thank God and them for that. they definitely get a dedication in the first book...

love(ing) al(l)ways...

1 comment:

wild cowgirl said...

i love you man!
i am very very VERY proud of u!