Wednesday, July 20, 2005

jumping the gun's not a problem, now removing the safety...

the curious thing about trying to move from passive agression to assertion (or assertiveness, if you will) is that it takes a while to get comfortable in - a minute before you really get the hang of it. and, of course, there's always those damn relapses of punktivity. so you walk around like a young mutant, an adolescent x-man who can't control when she shoots things off - when she destroys things. wrong times, wrong situations, wrong people, just wrong wrong wrong. the only thing right is the intention - to come clean, clear the air, make it better. but if intention alone was enough, well let me tell you my friend, we'd all be geniunely happy and fit and strong and charismatic and alot of other things.... just want to do what's right and simultaneously what is best for me (shouldn't those two be one and the same?). want to give and keep happiness. usually don't have trouble finding it, but it's a slippery little sucker. some mornings, nothing that happened the days before matters. starting new seems the natrual thing to do, but the evening brings yesterdays with him and voi-la! i'm back where i started, except with a few more complications than i remember, plus a contusion or two. may be beating my head against a brick wall; knowing what i don't want, but not what i do. i think that i've put a large helping of patience into the universe. here's hoping i make good on my return.


1 comment:

teresa said...

yes you did, but who did you mention it to? (j/k) "he's says it's impossible, but i know it's tangible!" don't ever stop caring about the feelings of others, but definitely start caring about yours more. we are here in this world for each other, but also for ourselves. i've made the decision to leave punk city (as a good friend calls it); i remember when i used to be the mayor! lapses happen and that's find, but beating around the bush is, quite literally, for the birds. and you are not a bird d, even if you eat like one ;)....wait should i have posted this comment on yours?