Sunday, July 12, 2009

Ways to Keep Busy While the Power's Out (in the morning)

(Besides the obvious - gutter!)

- Call the electric company and report it, of course.

- Wash dishes by window light.

- Make shadow puppets.

- Wonder if I should have spent that extra $$ on a backup generator instead of interior paint.

- Listen to the rain fall & remember when that used to be a soothing sound.

- Count all the things in the refrigerator that could spoil. Do this in my mind, of course; don't open the fridge and let what little chill is left escape.

- Write a letter, like they did in Olden Days. If I really want an authentic experience, tie my letter to the foot of a pigeon.

- Write my blog post by hand and laugh hysterically at the irony.

- Marvel at my dependence on modern amenities.

- Meditate on gratitude. My situation is only an inconvenience - a discomfort at the most - and it's temporary.

- Be Still. (Seriously, when was the last time I did that?)


Jeanee said...

Awh man... you're power went out?!? I didn't even hear that storm.

lauren said...

I love this--what a great blend of humor and quietude. I'm laughing at the thought of the carrier pigeon and the hand-written blog post. :) More than laughing...loving it!

viridiansun said...

what a great little moment, at least I hope it was "little" and that you weren't in the dark 1/2 the night. I would have never caught wind of my own irony like that. so funny

Chelsea Talks Smack said...

AH, be still- that is the greatest.

JUST ME said...

Last winter, my power went out for an entire week.

I almost murdered my entire family -- Amityville Horror style.

wild cowgirl said...
