Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Emphatically Yours...

I like words, language, turns of phrase...I like new ones, old ones--especially old ones. Sometimes I like to go mucking around in the or Oxford English attic just to see what I can dust off and put to good use. (There are some good ones!) Sometimes I am writing an email or in conversation and I use a word that I didn't know I knew.  That's always a weird but pleasant surprise. I spend so much of my time communicating that having interesting terms at my disposal makes the experience more entertaining for me--like learning to brush your teeth with the opposite hand or walking backwards or something.

I don't know why, but I've been exclaiming a lot lately, and as I try to limit my swearing (only for peak comedic effect) I've started to use other words and phrases to express my distress, surprise, etc., like:


"My word!"


"Upon my life!"

"Damn it all to hell!"

Okay, that last one isn't void of curses, but they are the mild swear words at least. And, I am not damning anyone, just it--more specifically it all.  That could be anything: all the bugs, all the splinters, all the incompetence...Let's be honest, who would be upset to see any of those things gone?


lauren said...

Haha! Upon my life, this was a funny blog post! I'm just waiting to hear you come out with these in group staff. :)

teresa said...

That would be so funny! "Those are the GRAD results? Zounds!" lol.

Da CogNegro (Who is It?) said...

Zoinks, and E'Gad also work. "Zounds" sounds like something the Great Gazoo would say after he called you a "Dum Dum".

D.S: Nice Profile Pic, there goes that hair again....

P.S In order for this post to be accepted I have to type, "mantiopo"
sounds like a Mix drink on mars.

viridiansun said...

I LOVE when I realize I've used a word or phrase I didn't know I knew too! Each time it happens, I feel as though I've been posessed in some small, "how did you get in there?!"

letajo said...

i know someone who says "Good Night" as an exclamation.. i sorta loved him everytime he said it...try it out if you'd like