Wednesday, August 31, 2005

brown silk and amber sunsets (or) hey now, hey now, my boyfriend's back

okay, so jay's my fiance and he can't really be back if he's never left, if he's never been here to leave. but the bottom line is that he's here now - for the week that is. and in between clownin' on kansas city (and how on a sunday afternoon it looks like the set of the next steven king novel-turn-movie) we're having a really good time. God is the best of all planners. i was soooo beat when i missed celena's wedding. just tired and sad and all around not at my best, but when he said he would come kick it for a week it really turned the whole thing around. i still owe homegirl the fresh wedding gift, but i ended up with a present too! (sweet.) it's interesting having him in my space; even more interesting than at graduation because at that time i had a roommate and lots if plans and family and friends coming in and classes were finished. now, it's just me ((one is the magic number) out of context jill scott experience. we now return you to your regularly scheduled blog) and we spend the evenings together, but in the morning i'm up and out to work. practically every time before this that we've spent together was vacation, so now it almost feels like a vacation everyday when i get home (please, no "aw's", i'm trying to be descriptive here not sentimental). most people here drive, so when we walk to....every-damn-where i'm thinking to myself, "we are probably the most eccentric pair most of these people have ever seen." we're not doing anything extravagant just dinner and watching some tv (i have televesion now, by the by) and going for walks and talking. real living together type stuff. it feels dejavu-ish-ly comfortable. we're both leaving on saturday morning - he back to jersey, and i'm off to dc to visit my spelmanite homie. damn, we just spent 4 years together, you'd think enough was enough, right? but can you ever have too much of a good thing? until someone can give me scientific proof of the negative, i will be visiting all ya'll folks until you tell me point blank, "honey, i love you. get out." ;+) ....let's break this off livejournal style -

mood: content
music: Lyzel in E flat


Phoenix said...

i really wanna sing this to you, so just imagine me clownin' fo ya--straight up, one time, "he loves me, especial-lee different. your cologne, your hair, your smile, your intelligence"...i mean, i know you know the ditty, but just imagine me performing it for you. ahh...what a swee thing, huh?

glad jay is there and y'all are having good times. i am smiling for you and so happy about your love...


wild cowgirl said...

girl u just escorted me down memory lane. thanks.

Gradly said...

Miss you and Jay being all in love and trying not to act all google eyed and stuff.

Then whe someone says the others name when the other is not in the room that party can't stop looking all silly with twinkles in their eyes.


One Love

Tell L not to sing. LMAO

Phoenix said...

(shut 'cho mouth lysia! you know you like my sangin' voice! i be soundin' good n stuff!)

teresa said...

well, i guess tryin' to front won't work anymore because now everyone will know it's a farse. darn it! foiled again! ;+) i really don't mean to be so corny, it's just (sigh)... i don't know....

a black girl said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwe oh you didnt want that huh?

Gradly said...

i just realized that when you sign things as - bzzzzz you are making the sound of a fly.

silly me.