Thursday, April 30, 2009

Farewell, NPM

As I have not deliberately followed the “Swine Flu” (I’m sorry, H1N1 Influenza A) frenzy, I guess this inspiration came through osmosis since everyone around me is talking about it.  Unlike it’s former name, this poem actually is about pigs.


NPM #24




Poor pig.

I can’t imagine how shunned you must feel

being blacklisted by God.


What did you do?

Was it something you said,

or the unabashed act of gluttony?

Maybe you were just

in the wrong place at the wrong time.


It’s got to be more than

the split hooves and squat nose –

after all, you didn’t dress yourself.

You don’t have a bad reputation.

On the contrary,

I hear you’re a pretty smart cookie.


So perhaps I’ve got it all wrong,

and you’re not in trouble at all.

Maybe there are just bigger plans for you.

Maybe I should be more worried about me?


I actually made it to the end of the month.  I’m so pleased with myself right now.  Not in a “rise before the fall” pompous kind of way, just proud that I stuck it out.  Happy to know that there are still some words left for me – that I haven’t been abandoned by the muses.  I didn’t expect to end the month on such a sower note (boy that was terrible, please forgive me - I couldn’t help it!), but I’m happy I have a new and original piece to contribute as the finale.


Now the work of gathering and revising can begin.  I’ve got a good start here, and if it be Allah’s will I have a crop of poems to choose from as my writing sample for the MFA program in creative writing at UMKC.  (Though I have my anxiety about the future and purpose of graduate level education.)  And hey, if that’s not the path, then perhaps this is the beginnings of a regular ol’ manuscript.  Also, fine by me.


Thank you, NPM, and I bid you adieu.  For the weather has changed and it’s time for home improvements and decorating again.  Paint, lighting, accents, landscaping – BRING IT ON!  I will be asking for suggestions, and there will be pictures.  Oh yes, there will be pictures.


Jeanee said...

Poor piggy...

Can't wait to see decoration photos! I need to START decorating! I need to win the lotto to be able to afford ALL of our goodies!

lauren said...

Wow...the article you linked is really interesting. Thoughts are being provoked! But the thought that was there beforehand was, "you should totally do the MFA in Creative Writing-- you would be awesome"!