Thursday, April 23, 2009

It Smells Like Rain Today

Now I'm really glad we went out yesterday.  There will be rain showers, off and on, all day today.  But it's still warm.  No complaints here.

NPM # 17

“Evening Ritual”


Take off my thinking hat,

replace it with a night cap –

something that warms me through.

I can feel it go all the way down.


Closing my eyes

is like pulling the covers up around my brain.

Nestled into my instant nighttime,

Inhale clouds.  Exhale stars.  Good night, Moon.


I don’t mind twisting and turning;

it’s just my spirit dislodging to go for a walk

and my body hunkering down for the night.


I don’t look at the clock anymore.

Tick, tock. I turn it’s face from mine,

yawning to drown out the constant, jerky reminder

of how many Z’s are passing me by.



I don’t have to be asleep

to rest.


Dreamt about babies at least two times in the past seven days.  Happy dreams, too.  I wonder if someone has something to tell me?


lauren said...

Oh gosh...beautiful. "It's just my spirit dislodging to go for a walk." I feel more rested and alive just having read that.

teresa said...

madame, you are too kind. =+)